The true person of color

Black and white morality ends in fifty shades of gray

Fundamentalism produces a creepy schizophrenia

Of puritanical repression and libertine release

On camera the televangelist prostitutes himself as a hireling priest

Off camera he seeks salvation in a hired harlot

The senator rails against homosexuality, while tapping his foot in the bathroom stall.

Prudes behaving imprudently

The religion of progress and development is equally schizophrenic

The land developer’s map, is a scroll, upon which is written

A fundamentalist prophecy for destroying all that is wild and free

He pulls out his pen as if to illustrate the act

Black lines on white paper produce a scaled picture of landscapes to be denuded, razed, undressed

Cartesian pornography

Maps of planned despoliation of mountaintops and prairie and woodlands

Spread out like a girly magazine upon a sweaty banker’s mahogany desk

Of course all this rape is bankrolled by your taxes, your purchase of throw-away crap, and sometimes your tithe

We’re all financing the weapons trade: Monsanto’s plow, the war machine’s bayonet, the literalist bible society, legal firms.

It’s all for the public good, rather, the public god, who rapes and pillages.

Corporate headquarters invade our hindquarters with instruments sharpened in a board room in some distance city. A rape that does not end with the closing bell.

Authorized by some General Assembly.  “Gather round boys! We’re passing out more money for the next go round at her”

Priests of black and white would have us believe that their dystopian vision creates a world more beautiful than the wild one.

What an utter, horrific nightmare is this new Eden. Lush suburban homes neatly contained within gated communities. Monstrosities raised from the mad developer’s blueprints, safely stored in his drawers for use the next go around.  “Have at it boys! This land is ripe and ready!”

Suburbanites, those awkward men-children born of the violent union of land developer and raped earth.

They pipe out their shit to be recycled for drinking water.  “What are those specks at the bottom of my glass?”

They illuminate their empty lives with the power of black coal from a raped mountain

Their fat asses getting fatter with each episode of C.S.I.: Suburbia. They’re too stupid to see that they are the ones whodunit

As my anger was diminishing to apathy.  Just as I was nearly ready to give up, I happened to look underneath the disgusting cellulite belly of this beast

And I saw a weakness that we could penetrate.  Hubris. Babylonian presumption. Responsible for the fall of so many Tsars, county commissioners, bureaucrats, constables, generals, suburbanites.  All of them preoccupied as they are with their narcissistic schemes, cybernetic orgies, petroleum-greened lawns, and Wars on Everything.

While they move toward the cliff like a wild band of drunken monkeys, I thought it best to

Read poetry

Plant fruit trees


Quiet my angry mind and

Study war

Not the war raged by the Church and State rapists, God, no.  I mean the good war.  The will to power.

There is a will to power that permeates the universe

It is not subject to the authority of flag or vestment

A will forever churning in the aboriginal void

The power of desire – pure, native desire

A mighty, rushing wind heading down some ancient mountain

A Dionysian will to sing the songs of an intoxicated wilderness stream

The will to power is the will that topples the developer’s master plan

The will to love and the will to war

To love only when we’ve learned how water flows

To the low places

To war only when we’ve learned to dance

In the open spaces

To love all the way to the low places

To fight to open what is closed

When you encounter black and white along the way

Laugh at it, and, after much angry quaking, it will topple

Understand that you may have to watch this event from your jail cell.

When you are lured into the vapid gray patio of suburban banality, flee to the mountains, take to the road,

Discover sacred landscapes of richness and depth, joy and grief

Because you reject black and white,

Because you flee gray

Because you race barefoot toward the rising sun

Because you choose color

The grotesque cheerleaders of the sedentary society

Will call you a sinner.

Do not let them drag you to the alter

You are a person of color

You have the Light

With all its prismatic variations.

Live and die a person of color