The Apparatus cannot withstand a heart warmed for its people and its homeland

Feral Jesus gathered his few disciples around him.  He looked into their tired but eager faces and spoke of the difficult but necessary life they had chosen and the prospects for success:

Perhaps this notion of surviving physically and psychologically on the margins of the Apparatus is schizophrenic – here in the middle of the buzzing, lively fencerow, where warblers, redbirds, snakes, groundhogs and wasps fiercely but playfully interact.   It is not safe here, nor is it comfortable, but only here am I alive.  I am neither subject, nor object.  I am part of an event, a life event that will never be duplicated as such again.

Back in the Apparatus there is only mechanical repetition, reruns, a recreating of the same commercially-viable moment.  At age 20 or so, existence is over.  From that point, in the Apparatus we exist in late-night syndication sandwiched between The Office and Friends. We are ushered from one fad to another, in a succession of next big things, must haves, must sees.  Repackaged entertainment. Sequels. Reelected milquetoast. Cadavers everywhere, dazzling but dead.

I’ll stick to the fencerow – brambles, stick tights, copper heads and all.  It’s a nice dream anyway.  Deleuze and Guattari called it,  “A very good schizo dream.  To be fully part of the crowd and at the same time completely outside it, removed from it: to be on the edge, to take a walk like Virginia Woolf (never again will I say, ‘I am this, I am that’).” In the fencerow I can take from the Apparatus what I will, while secretly praying for its destruction, which is no easy task.  The bastards are always too entrenched. 

We cannot defeat or dismantle the Apparatus.  To be clear, by Apparatus I mean, in part, the tyrannical clutch of economic globalization and the “soft” totalitarianism of liberal democracy, which have resulted in decades of perpetual war, oppression and ecological destruction on an horrific scale that grieves the human spirit.  The ruling economic and political class has devised structural mechanisms that prohibit meaningful democratic participation.  The dumbing down and diversion of the masses has rendered the idea of popular resistance an unrealizable fantasy.  Luddite loom smashing and Black bloc window breaking produce only greater repression.  The rich and powerful have solidified their control over resources, technology, surveillance and the financial sector.  In each nation state, the war party reigns, no matter which elected puppet is in power.  Demands for state-sponsored security against ginned up enemies, foreign and domestic, have overshadowed a once jealously-guarded love of liberty.  In the interest of cheap labor, ethnic supremacy, and exploitable populations, the globalist regime systematically destroys one people after another in blatant acts of religious and racial genocide – Yazidis, Armenians, and, yes, Europeans.

Feral Jesus heard the cries of these peoples, who were experiencing the loss of their homelands, their culture, their people, their future. He conceded, we cannot dismantle this globalist apparatus of death and destruction.  No political or insurrectionist solution exists.  What are we to do?  Feral Jesus stood, stretched out his arms and, as if sneaking away, stepped away tip-toe a few yards from his disciples. Then he said, you must saunter off to the fencerow and seek that feral life beyond the psychological grip of the empire.  Work little, play much.  Take much from it, give back little. Create something new out of something ancient.

Then Feral Jesus paused and offered a new teaching: Do not presume that you must go to the fencerow alone.  A people can live among the fencerow just as can an individual, and with better success.  Frith, honor and loyalty among your kin is superior to the State.  Cling to your ancestors and be true to your descendants. 

Just like the fencerow, you are a transition.  Your ancestors became and remained slaves to the Apparatus.  Your descendants will live in the complete freedom among their ethnos, practicing relearned ancient customs and rebuilding a culture that will replace the Apparatus by organic means.  Yet this will only manifest in the morrow as you commit to live along the fencerow today, with your awakened brothers and sisters.  There you and they will celebrate your heritage and retell the old stories of your people’s glory.  You will produce art that celebrates the traditional loveliness of your women, the strength of your men and the beauty of your homeland.  You will keep the vision of your people alive, until one day the globalist agenda of the Apparatus falls apart, and you will reestablish your people among your beloved home. 

Remember, the Apparatus thrives on universalism and abstraction.  Flesh and blood, ancestor veneration, a deep love for your homeland – these notions the Apparatus cannot survive.

Feral Jesus knew that the Apparatus would assail him all the more hatefully for this new teaching.  Yet he saw no other way to break the genocidal grip of the Apparatus upon the people from all lands than to encourage them to remain faithful to the earth, to their blood-kin and to their native land.  No abstraction can withstand a heart that is warmed for its people and for its homeland.